Monday, December 14, 2009

Make your own cleaning products-save yourself money, exposure to toxins, and help the environment at the same time!

The Best Bathroom / Kitchen / Floor Cleaner Ever:

• 2 Cups of Water (Approx.)
• 1 Tsp baking Soda
• 1 Tsp Dish Soap
• A Few Drops of Essential Oils: Lavender, Thyme, Juniper, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Lemon, Orange, Eucalyptus or Clove (these are all tough on germs and grease)
• 5 Tbsp Vodka, Gin or rubbing alcohol (less "Green" choice, but works great, and is better than store-bought alternatives)
• 2 Tbsp White Vinegar

Mix Your Ingredients: Pour the baking soda, soap & vinegar into your spray bottle and give it a stir. It will fizz! Let it sit and calm for a minute before moving on. After it settles, add vodka, essential oil(s), and fill the rest of the way with water (warm water makes it mix and dissolve quicker. Shake it up and use it!

For Glass & Mirrors:
Put some Vinegar into a spray bottle. That's it! Cheap, easy and safe!
I use rubbing alcohol-it really works great (less "Green" choice, cleans so well, and is better than store-bought alternatives).

Awesome Furniture (Wood) Polisher:
• Olive Oil • White Vinegar • Orange or Lemon Essential Oil

Mix Your Ingredients: Fill a bottle halfway with Olive Oil, and the other half with Vinegar. Add some drops of Orange or Lemon Essential Oils. Polish Away!

"The Dirty Dozen" The 12 most important fruits & Vegetables to buy organic

There are 12 fruits & vegetables that are recommended to buy organic because they are sprayed with higher amounts of pesticides. Even when fruits & veggies are washed they do not come completely clean, so the more organic foods you can buy the better...
I also say that when buying anything for baby to eat, make sure it is organic, even if you keep some non-organic in the refrigerator for yourself.

To read an article about the "Dirty Dozen" and more interesting info: Organic Food-is it worth the money?

Here is the list:
• Apples
• Cherries
• Grapes
• Nectarines
• Peaches
• Pears
• Raspberries
• Strawberris
• Bell Peppers
• Celery
• Potatoes
• Spinach (and all other leafy greens)

Ginger Tea Recipe

During the cold and flu season especially, it is important to keep our immune systems strong. Here is a recipe for a great tea to drink to prevent getting sick, but to also soothe you and help you get better sooner if you do.

• Chop Ginger root-the more you put, the stronger the tea. I put about a palm full.
• Place it in a large pot of water and bring to a boil.
• Lower heat to a simmer and let simmer for anywhere between 30 mins or longer (sometimes we simmer, and drink, and simmer more for a whole day!).
(Note: The longer you simmer the stronger the tea. The water will become light yellow, then a rich golden color. That is a good time to drink it.)
• Serve with honey and lemon. No more coughing!

Sippy Cup Showdown

Here is an article to help you pick the right BPA free sippy cup for your child. Some helpful info!

Click Here: Sippy Cup Showdown